Holistic view

Decisions are the backbone for any company. Decisions need time boxing and scoping. Decisions can make or break a company. Decisions need to me made correctly, on time and involving all stake holders. Consolve is now here to help. You can view status, due dates, progress and contributors on those decisions. This simple dashboard has power to revolutionize how decisions 

Search decisions by name or dates

Ability to search on all current, past and future decisions in an organization based on time filter and keyword filter.

Decision status

A quick view on the decision status. Status can be Draft, In Progress, Postponed, Finalized.

Decision deadline

A set timeline on the when a decision needs to be made on a certain issue. This helps you make decisions on time. A decision is not a valuable decision if its not made on right time.

Data Driven

Inspired by Delphi Method of decision making.The method involves gathering data from multiple experts and stake holders in a company over multiple rounds.

Consolve also allows anonymous feedbacks which enable opinions free of prejudice.

Co-ordinator or facilitator can either schedule a face to face meeting or an online meeting to grade and score individual data sets.

This provides a democratized method of decision making. And also helps in reducing face to face conflict resolution due to inter-personal issues and other reasons like Halo effect or bandwagon effect.

Decisions are analyzed based on the data points and tracked with a record of decision type , decision reason, decision status and risk analysis.

Consolve will also use AI and Machine learning to help forecast future decisions based on the previous ones. ​



In a product life cycle. Consolve is positioned to be at the forefront stage before a task or project is finalized. A decision is made using Consolve platform and then the following stages of Product management and Root cause analysis happen. 

With that in mind, Consolve has integrations with important tools needed during the decision making process and after the decision making process.

Decision management process: Zoom, Calendar, Slack etc.

Post decision making process:

Atlassian (Confluence/Jira), Performance Management tools, OKR management tools etc.